Grass growth rates this year are significantly below last year’s, with cows having been turned out early there could now be a shortage of grass.

It is becoming increasingly important to supplement grazing in order to retain enough grass for silage stocks.

Grazed grass is not a perfectly balanced feed with an excess of protein and lack of carbohydrates

With more cows being brought in overnight will need a well-balanced buffer feed to ensure dry matter intakes are achieved

Molasses based liquid feeds have been shown to improve fibre digestion and milk constituents, helping to support milk prices

Supplementation with a molasses based liquid feed within a buffer feed such as a Sugar Plus Molasses Blend, will help provide the rapidly fermentable carbohydrates to balance the overall diet helping maintain rumen function and reduce the risk of SARA

For further information, contact your local Merchant

or Co-op Or Ring: 045-481070